This article covers the setup, usage and configuration of the DataGroomr Default Dashboard. The default dashboard allows users to place dashboard components onto the screen enabling the easy monitoring of Salesforce data being managed by DataGroomr.

Add and Referesh Widgets

Add Widget

Clicking on the Add Widget button will show a list of DataGroomr components that can be added onto the Default Dashboard. A description of each widget can be found in the section below. 


Clicking on the Refresh button will ensure that all views are current with the latest up-to-date information being displayed in each component

Move, Resize and Customize Widgets

Hovering over each widget gives the user the ability to:

1. Move the widget to a different areas of the screen 

2. Customize the component to analyze/view the history of a dataset

3. Resize the widget to fit the desired screen area

Widget Components

Each of the different widgets allow for a different parameter to be displayed on the dashboard. Depending on the widget type being chosen, users can view a live summary of duplicates within a dataset, the history of de-duplication performed by their DataGroomr instance or viewing the latest information about a release

Duplicates Summary

The duplicates summary component shows the live percentage view of duplicates within a Salesforce org. The larger the red portion of the ring, the higher the percentage of duplicates. Customizing the component changes the datasets being analyzed

Duplicates History

This component allows users to see the historical data of duplicates within datasets being monitored by DataGroomr. The longer the bars, themore duplicates in the time period. Customizing the component allows users to change the overall timeframe being monitored, the datasets and the timeframe of each bar.

Merge/Convert History

This component shows the number of merges/conversion actions taken by DataGroomr over the specified time period. The higher the value, the more actions taken. Customizing this component allows users to choose the datasets being monitored, the time period and whether or not to show a legend correlating the line to a dataset

Data Quality Summary

Similar to Duplicates Summary, data quality summary shows the status of data quality in Salesforce as specified by the user's customized data quality models. Hovering over each ring shows the breakdown summary of each Brushr Dataset. Customizing the component gives users the ability to choose the dataset as well as the ordering of the data quality model being displayed by the component.