Supervisr: Objects / Matching

Manage objects which are accessed through the DataGroomr platform and manage your organization matching models used to identify duplicate records.

Manage Objects
Accessing In order to select which objects DataGroomr works with press Objects / Matching link located under the Supervisr tab in the Navigation Menu. Adding an Object DataGroomr can detect duplicates in any Salesforce object. By default, Leads, Contacts and Accounts are loaded into the DataGroomr ...
Mon, 17 Jun, 2024 at 9:13 AM
Manage Matching Models
Matching Models are algorithms used to detect duplicate records. DataGroomr provides two options for duplicate detection, machine learning based model and classic matching model. Accessing Matching Models To access matching models, press Objects/Matching item in the Navigation Menu and press on the desired ...
Fri, 6 Sep, 2024 at 12:19 PM
Training Machine Learning Matching Model
Machine Learning Models are based on algorithms powered by machine learning.  When a new model is created it will need to be Trained. Supervised Training is a process where you tell DataGroomr which records are duplicates and which are not in order to help the algorithm train and identify patterns in data based o...
Fri, 6 Sep, 2024 at 12:30 PM
Matching Models: Copying Prod to Sandbox or Sandbox to Prod
Matching models can be copied from either your Salesforce production org to your Sandbox or vice versa. Select the model that needs to be copied and press the Copy to Prod or Copy to Sandbox.
Mon, 4 Dec, 2023 at 11:22 AM